Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Christmas Carol: Read-Along (Stave 4)

A Christmas Carol It’s officially week four of A Christmas Carol read-along hosted by by Dog-Eared & Bookmarked and it’s with trembling knees that we dissect the events in Stave 4.  The ghost of Christmas yet to come could very possibly be the scariest creature (with good intentions) in all of literature.  Frankly, we’re shaking in our books.  Fortunately, Scrooge is up to the challenge and actually encourages the final ghost to, “lead on”.  We must do the same.

For us, it was kind of enjoyable to see Scrooge all petrified and disheveled.  For the entirety of this stave, we watch as the ghost of Christmas yet to come, thrusts his will upon Scrooge, or at least his imposing outstretched hand.  Once again the imagery is wonderful as the pair visits several conversations surrounding the death of a thoroughly disliked individual (any guesses who?).  We also pay another visit to the Cratchit residence, although the mood is heart-wrenchingly somber.  Throughout, we see Scrooge quite anxious to know if the future events being displayed are already written in stone.      

At the climatic end, Scrooge grabs hold of the spirit’s hand only to find an empty garment and then a bedpost.  Has Scrooge been given a second chance to write his legacy?  Stay tuned this weekend as we reveal Stave 5 (literature’s worst kept secret) and the remainder of the exciting conclusion.

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