The world of Vlogging is both intimidating and alien to a pair of technologically challenged bibliomaniacs such as us. Yet, intrigue is beckoning us ever closer to this mysterious world...
For this reason, Two Bibliomaniacs is about to kick off a brand new Vlogging meme-ish sort of thing. BOOK BLOGGING VIDEOS!!! The rules are eerily simple: Participants should substitute one written book review every other week with a video review. Any genre is acceptable and frankly, as long as the video is related to a bookish topic, we want to see it (reading a script off camera while your cat sits on the couch IS acceptable)!
We saw several 2011 blogging resolutions related to increased Vlogging and the goal of Book Blogging Videos is to step out from behind the keyboard and embrace the spoken word!!!
Join us as we embrace the future... or at least embarrass ourselves on camera.
Links to our video reviews
1. The Other Boleyn Girl
2. Best Books Debate
3. Best Books (Kids Choice)
4. Fin
Links to our video reviews
1. The Other Boleyn Girl
2. Best Books Debate
3. Best Books (Kids Choice)
4. Fin