Thursday, December 1, 2011

2011 Reading Challenge Update - November

The month of November is history and despite numerous reading hours dedicated to the newly released Harry Potter Lego Wii game, we (Evan) ended with a respectable 8 books completed for the month.  At this point we’re trying to pad our stats before the end of the year and only the Books to Movies Challenge remains elusive... 

Most of our month was spent deep within the plot of A Game of Thrones, which delivered on the hype.  We also thoroughly enjoyed our read of Howl’s Moving Castle, although the movie was surprisingly painful.  Does it count towards the Books to Movies Challenge if we only watched half the movie???  We’ll have to get clarification from the couple hosting the challenge....  Some other highlights for the month were Anya’s Ghost, Prince Caspian, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and Night Watch.

Here are the reviews that we posted in November that fit into our 2011 Challenges.

Rabbit, Run – John Updike
Something Rotten – Jasper Fforde
The Swiss Family Robinson – Johann David Wyss
The Prince of Mist – Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Here’s an update on our 2011 Challenge.  All the inspiring details can be found HERE.

Books to Movies Challenge – 3/6
Gothic Reading Challenge – 8/8
Back to the Classics – 8/8
What’s in a Name Challenge – 6/6
2nds Challenge – 20/20
100+ Reading Challenge – 109/100

We’ve got Schindler’s List, The Three Musketeers, Unbroken, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, and out first Ian Fleming novel coming up for December!  Yipee.  How’s everyone else looking to finish the year?


  1. How did you guys get that picture of all of the book covers!? that's awesome I want one!

  2. Amanda,
    There's probably a much better way out there, but ours is homeade... Microsoft paint and a lot if copy and pasting from Goodreads!

  3. I was thinking of reading The Three Musketeers this month, too. I'll be looking to see what you think of it! :)
