Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Watership Down

Watership DownWatership Down – Richard Adams
Evan’s ESS = 7 out of 10
Erin’s ESS = out of 10
Content = PG (Bunny Violence, Bunny Language, Bunny Content)

Why: We dare you – Nah, we double dog dare you not to fall in love with little Hazel and his cast of fluffy companions.  Watership Down begs the question: Is there anything more adorable than a story about a group of bunny rabbits searching for a new home?  If there is then we for two don’t want to know about it.

Richard Adams actually conceptualized the idea while telling the story to his two daughters on a long road trip.  What followed is one of the most cherished and award winning British novels of all time.  Watership Down is a much needed unveiling of the secret lives of bunnies.  The reader will explore everything you ever wanted to know about our garden wrecking neighbors to the south (You know, the immediate south).  Bunny religion, bunny morality and bunny mythology are all exposed as Hazel, Fiver, Bigwig, Silver, and Buckthorn all set out on their epic adventure to find safety and a better life.  The world is rich with detail (from the perspective of a bunny) and by the end you may find yourself craving a nice juicy carrot or radish.  Our original dare still stands.       

Editor’s Note: Just in case you’re interested, there is an old role-playing game called Bunnies & Burrows, in which an individual takes on the characteristics of rabbits.  Pretty cool, huh!  We didn’t think so either…

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