Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Literary Public Service Announcement

We'd like to take a brief pause before posting our next book review to raise awareness for an important issue affecting the world of literature......


  1. I'm speechless... this transcended awesome.

  2. Did someone just pee in my pants? Yup. It was me.

  3. LOVE IT! You are one talented family...I'm thinking Hollywood may in the near future! :)

  4. This video is now known as "The Nolan and Riley Show" here at our house. Sorry Erin and Evan, but my kids apparently only watch this to see their cute friends, Nolan and Riley.....

  5. I cannot believe for months I never knew you had a blog and NEVER saw this FUN video! It doesn't surprise me at all though...you ARE a pretty FUN gal Erin ...and Evan...and Nolan...and Riley. :)

  6. :D I ♥ this big time! I'm going to repost it, if you don't mind. (send me a note if you do!)
    Book Rat
    (mbradenwf AT gmail DOT com)

  7. This made my day. Thank you for a lovely video! I'm following now :)

  8. This is absolutely fantastic. And your children are adorable.

    I will keep the fight against CATRCL when I have children, I promise you that!

  9. LOL! Terrific job. How cute was your little guy saying "Tolstoy"?! :D You have a couple of little actors in the making.
